What Would the Setbacks Do?

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Cease and Desist

October 31st, 2019

Fred Kibbles, Esquire writes:

Good afternoon,

I am writing on behalf of my client Trevor Kealey. Mr. Kealey has recently noticed that The Setbacks back catalogue has appeared on popular music streaming services like iTunes, Spotify, Deezer and Tidal.

My client was not adequately consulted on this development and so I must request that any royalties that have been incurred thus far be placed in a trust account and all music be removed from these services immediately until such a time that Mr. Kealey can properly negotiate a satisfactory arrangement for his fair share of the writing credits.

Please notify me once these steps have been taken.

Fred Kibbles
Kibbles & Bitts, Attorneys at Law

Awaiting wisdom...

Awaiting wisdom...

Awaiting wisdom...

Kibbles. You're a piece of shit.

You've been the Yoko Ono to this band for 10 years. I'll never forget that night when you gave Trevor your stupid card after our show at the Dominion. You pissed in his ear. From that moment on he's been talking "necessary disproportionate shares" and has been insisting he wrote all of our debut blue album - which is obviously not true. He's practically turned into Axl Rose circa 1994. He's Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network. He's David Lee Roth after 1984, man. Have you any idea what you've done? You turned him into a monster.

TO THIS DAY he insists that The Setbacks should change their name to "Trevor Kealey & The Setbacks." It's annoying as fuck because we've been on hiatus for a bunch of years.

I've had enough of your shenanigans. I've retained Shapiro and Shapiro as counsel and will fight - TOOTH AND NAIL, KIBBLES - to prevent you from ruining what remains of my precious music legacy. I'm not giving up the $2.75 per year I make from our hit song being on Nickelodeon. I have bills, child support, and a nagging addiction to computer duster that I inherited from my time with this band. Any ounce of dignity I have left WILL NOT be left to be picked apart by a litigious vulture like yourself.
