NHL Playoffs

April 14th, 2007

For the most part, music and sports tend not to mix. But I can't go on living a lie. I am a big time NHL fan and I play hockey on a team with Steve and Paul. Chris is the norm: a music man who has mostly disdain for jocks. Don't tell him that the three of us play hockey.

Anyway, my rant is this: last night I watched the Anaheim vs. Minnesota game. The guy that scored two goals for Anaheim (Francois Beauchemain) was a breath of fresh air. Both times when they showed him on the bench after scoring he was NOT looking up at the Big Screen to watch his own hilights (highlights?).

It has become the norm to see the goal scorer on the bench gawking up at his own highlight (hilight?) as if he doesn't have access to hilites (highlites?) later on in his 2 million dollar mansion.

Just an observation that no one will listen to that I needed to post here.



    Contact the band at band[at]thesetbacks.com